Saturday, June 15, 2013

A beginning...

This is a blog I am creating to act as a journal so that I can keep track of the special moments that strike me as I go through life with my son.  Right now he is almost 18 months old, and I have been meaning to do this for a while.  So here it goes...

Today was Saturday the 15th of June, the day before fathers day.  I took my son shopping with me at serveral stores.  A new thing he did was, while sitting in the shopping cart he would grab my sides and pull me close in so that he could press his face against my belly.

Yesterday I was holding him in the rocking chair while we were sleeping in his room.  I started coughing, so he looked up, grabbed onto my shirt and climbed up so that he could give me a kiss.  Seeing that his kiss had fixed my cough, he nestled back into the pocket of my arm and went back to sleep.

My wife got me a R/C helicopter for Father's Day.  I was flying it in the living room with my son and he wasn't too sure about this new motorized contraption that was zooming all over the air.  When it landed he went and picked it up and took it over to the junk drawers in the kitchen.  He couldn't get them open, so he came got me and lead me by my finger over to the drawer so I could open it for him.  He then proceeded to put the helicopter in the drawer and close it.  Obviously the miscreant helicopter couldn't do any more mayhem if it was contained in the drawer.

I was sweeping out the garage.  I had the cars out on the driveway for this.  When I was pulling them back in I put my son in the passengers seat so he could ride like a big person.  I just drove a couple of laps around the circle with him at a couple of MPH.  He kept saying "go".  This is probably his best word right now, it was just strange to have him sitting next to me while I was driving, and saying intentional words that he was using in the right context.  He is growing up so fast.

That is all for now, I will try to keep these stories brief so that I can do more of them.